Select Action:
Status title Create Select your dataset from the dropdown
Choose a model type
symanto_fast (for demonstration purposes, live demo, etc.)
symanto (for actual model training with a purpose)
Select or unselect the multi_label option (select it if the text classification task allows the prediction of multiple labels per text instance. Otherwise, the task is considered as multi-class (or binary if only 2 labels are categorized).
Select the language of the text
Choose an embedding model
Choose symanto_brain_multilingual only if there is no specific language model for your selected langaugelanguage
Select the number of labels for your analysis
Provide label names, e.g.
,Status title positive
and a label texts, e.g.Status title negative
,Status title great
. You can include your hypothesis in the label text too, such asStatus title bad
orStatus title The text is great Status title the text is bad Enable “Inspect typical examples” to see how your model performs
Use the slider to select up to 10 examples.
Change the label dropdown to see examples for every each of your labels.
Click create‘Create’
If you want to continue using Promptranker
Enable “Rank label texts”
Provide label names, e.g.
,Status title positive Status title negative For each label name, provide a list of alternative descriptions. For example, for positive, you can provide
Status title great Status title wonderful
and for negative,Status title positive Status title bad Status title terrible Status title negative
Provide hypothesis variations, e.g. use an empty one and add several different variations such as
,Status title This TExt is {}
, …Status title The author expresses a {} sentiment Click “Rank”
The result is a table where each variation is ranked according to a calculated score. The higher the score, the more likely the given labels and hypothesis yield good results in a real scenario.
Enable “Inspect typical examples” to see how your model performs
Use the slider to select up to 10 examples.
Change the label dropdown to see examples for every each of your labels.
Click create. The model is automatically being created with the prompts (labels and hypothesis) that scored the top.